Founder’s Letter

Dear fellow investors,

The most significant impact that we can make as a collective group is through the funding of great ideas.

Ourcontributions to innovative, early-stage companies can yield remarkable byproducts—from medical devices thatcan help the injured or handicapped to live richer lives, to vaccines that cancure deadly disease, to software applicationsthat canteach underprivileged childrenthe basics of math and reading.

The potential for social impact viaourcollective investment capitalis truly limitless.

In fact, the only thing constraining ourpotential impactis our access to quality opportunities.

Glass Box MKT was built to lift this constraint — to create a bridge between the many bright, passionate visionary entrepreneurs who have made it to “Level 1” on their own, with investors who can propel them to “Level 10”with an infusion of additionalfunds.

Our platform makes it possible forindividual accredited investors to participatedirectlyin the types of high-impact opportunities that were once only available to the most wellconnected on anindirect basis,through venture fund, hedge fund and private equity fund types of structures.

Today, Glass Box MKT gives individuals and institutions alike the unique ability to selectively filter through newofferings, review detailed diligence materials, communicate directly with principals, and electronically subscribe—all in one place.

Our platform has been designed with the sole mission of creating a more efficient means for investorsto access, evaluate and subscribe toprivate investment opportunities . . . and to in turn serve as a conduit for social impact.

Our platform has been designed with the sole mission of creating a more efficient means for investorsto access, evaluate and subscribe toprivate investment opportunities . . . and to in turn serve as a conduit for social impact.

Opportunity is awaiting!


Steve Gribben

About Steve Gribben


  • University of Southern California
    B.A. 1999 / Phi Beta Kappa
  • UCLA School of Law
    J.D. 2004 / Corporate Law Emphasis

Securities Licenses Obtained:

  • Series 7, 24, 63, 65 and 79


  • COR Clearing, LLC (now Axos Clearing)
    Senior Counsel –
  • HomeFirst Mortgage Bankers
    President/General Counsel –
  • Gribben & Associates, Inc.